Using Your Voice - A Daily Practice

You’ve clicked on this article because, like so many of us, you experience difficulty speaking up and using your voice.

You find yourself feeling frustrated and stuck because what you really want to say is shrouded in fear, shame and judgement.

As a coach, it is my responsibility to support you in experiencing an alternative reality, so that you may begin to make different choices and take different actions.

What follows is an excerpt from an article written by Dot Todman, an internationally renowned Vocal Empowerment Coach in Los Angeles, California.

Thereafter, I have included a daily practice designed to support you in taking action to use your voice.



Our western world is quite focused on teaching us external things, such as how to go out and earn this diploma and that job, and get that dream house and vacation.

We were taught at a young age that there are hierarchal levels, and some of us are “better” than others. In school we were judged, and our inner value oftentimes was based on a letter in the alphabet, for example: “I’m only a ‘C’ student.”

As a result, most of us stopped playing those fun artistic games we enjoyed as a child, and learned to become part of “the real world” having to prove ourselves worthy. Soon the world became a much more serious place and there were expectations and more “important” roles placed on us.

We were taught to be tough and that it is not always safe to show others how we really feel. That might make us look weak and thus, more easily destructible.

As adults many of us are left wondering why when we open our mouth to express our voice, [which is directly connected to our feelings and emotions,] we feel vulnerable and exposed.

Could it possibly be that it has something to do with the fact that we were never really taught how to feel safe in our inner world?

When we sing or even speak, we’re having to share something deep from inside of us and bring it into the outer world that judges. Most people do not like the idea of being judged.


We have chakras all over our body, but most of us stop seeing them after infant hood.

Chakras are the name we give for the energy, or electrical life force, which expresses our internal world. The word chakra means “wheel or disc”.

When balanced and in alignment, each of these “wheels of light” spin clockwise and are known to radiate different colors.

We can activate each chakra by singing the vowel that it is connected with. When we do this [preferably with an intention], we stimulate that part of the body.


Tribes and ancient civilizations from Babylon, Greece, Tibet, and India have used vocal toning for healing themselves and others by using the bridge of sacred sound.

Releasing pent up energy through the voice can help clear tension and open up blocked energy in the body. Sound was thought to be the principle healing tool of the ancient mystery schools of Egypt where tones and chants were used to manipulate energy fields and bring about balance in the body.

If we accept that harmonious sound is fundamental to health and well being, we can begin to harness it as a positive and powerful creative force with which to transform our lives.

Our voice encapsulates our essence and emotional state, and is a powerful instrument of healing and communication.

All sound carries a momentum of power, creating balance and harmony, or imbalance and discord. Toning is a simple process in which you influence the energy patterns in your body in a beneficial way.

It doesn’t involve melody or rhythm, but the simple sustaining of a vowel sound that is within comfortable range. You can play with the pockets of resonance in your face by changing the position of your lips, tongue and vowel placement.


We release our emotions through vocal sound, sending a ripple of vibration through the physical body and energy surrounding it.

The vibration of the tone ripples through the body and subtle energy system, drawing upon the body’s natural inbuilt systems of self-healing to strengthen and balance the electromagnetic field. Our thoughts and feelings are carried in the tone of our voice.

Through vocal toning we restore health by stimulating the circulation and releasing held emotions and impacted memory.



A practice is an action or activity done repeatedly with the intention of building your capability and competency leaving you more able to deal with your challenges in your own way.

Title: Awakening the Voice within


The purpose of this practice is to:

  1. Develop your capacity to express yourself verbally, so that you may begin to share your truth with others

  2. Actively using your voice and hearing yourself do so

  3. Build humility and compassion

  4. Improve your confidence

  5. Balance your chakras

  6. Bring greater awareness to your body

Instructions (Done when, where & how often):

Set aside 10 minutes at the start of each day for your practice.

  1. Sit down comfortably, with your back straight.

  2. Close your eyes and bring your attention to your breath.

  3. Take a deep belly breath and begin by sounding the Root Chakra (UH)
    – Don’t worry about sounding silly, just focus on extending the sound as loud and as long as possible.
    (Repeat this process/sound three times)
    *FYI: I recommend placing one hand on the chakra while you tone

  4. Next move onto the Sacral (OOO) sound (repeat sound three times).

  5. Continue this pattern for all seven chakras/sounds.

  6. Lastly, sound all seven chakras in one flow (UH-OOO- OH-AH-EYE-AYA-EEE).

  7. Repeat this process three times.

  8. Sit quietly for one minute and bring your attention to the sensations in your body.

Reflection questions:

Each evening, whilst you are journaling, take time to specifically reflect on:

  • How did I feel as I used my voice throughout the day? (Somatically and emotionally)

  • What am I learning about myself by doing this?

  • How might this new behavior open up possibilities in my life?


This practice is to be performed daily, for the next four weeks.

Network of support:

Request the support of someone close to you.
Explain to them that you are committed to learning how to better express yourself and that you would appreciate if they checked in with you regularly to ask how your daily practice is going.

If you’ve found this practice powerful, I’d love to hear your insights!
Please click here to schedule a call with me.